Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Walking an Unbeaten Path

I am fucked.

That is what everyone is saying,
I am fucked.

We are all second semester seniors at Syracuse University in Advertising. And what is on everyone's mind is,
What the H-E-Double Hockeysticks am I going to to do? We are going up against other seniors in art schools and other universities. We are up against people coming out of Portfolio Center, Miami Ad School, and other ridiculously awesome schools that none of us can afford right now. We are up against other creatives, juniors, and even seniors that have been in the industry for 5+ years. We are coming into an job market that looks like a gunfight in an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie (not including Junior). We have every right to say fuck.

But we can't.
And I want/have to figure out how.

I can only talk from my experience and future experiences so that is what I am going to do.

So to tie all of this BS together, is where I begin... How do I walk the unbeaten path.

I will write as much as possible on my epic Lord of the Rings journey through the dark, hot hell of getting my book out into the industry and trying to find a job in the most competitive, crazy and incredibly fun industry known as advertising.

Armed with my pride and joy (my portfolio), a thirst to aim high and an incredible, knee melting charm. I am ready to get this process going.

I will post my work,
Feel free to slash it, bash it and burn it, so I can make it better.
And I will describe everything and anything I encounter, when trying to enter the advertising world.

1 comment:

  1. hey colin, LOVE the BLOG IDEA! Very good thinking!!! On this particular post, I wonder why you keep repeating "fuck" and then shy away from "hell" by referring to it as "h-e-double toothpicks", and "bullshit" by referring to it as "BS". The "crudity" (a word I just made up) has effect the first time, but seems senseless and almost trite thereafter. I will look forward to checking back.
