Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finding Water in the Desert

So I'm starting to churn the butter in the networking world, by looking for any sort of connections I can get my hands on. And I have to say I started off pretty pessimistic.

Why? Well off the top of my head I don't really know anyone that works in the advertising industry that is in my family or friends of our family. My father is a general manager for a labels manufacturer and my mother is an independent contractor, that works with a real estate agency. So at first my perspective was blique.

But I've recently become aware of the power of networking. It truely is a majestic thing. For instance my girlfriend has an aunt in Rhode Island, who is best friends with an Account Executive at an agency in Chicago. Or My mum and dad live down the street from a woman who's neice works for an shop in Chicago, who then forwarded my site onto her design friend. TRUELY AMAZING.

All I have to say is, don't underestimate networking. Because even though you may think you're in the desert, but it turns out you're really surrounded by water if you look hard anough.

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