Monday, March 16, 2009

Messin with Fire

My Redbull campaign was finally done.

I finished designing my final print component and I was ready to show the world my amazing campaign that would get everyone in the world to drink Redbull. So I posted it on this blog and

Just a side story about ihaveanidea. has an open forum where students post work and anyone, usually people in the industry, can make anonymous comments. This is a website that I have to say is a necessary evil. Even though a lot of people are ruthless and spare no sugar coating, they do know what they are saying. This is why I post everything I can on there. To see how my work fares against the hungry wolves.

So I go back to my first sentence, "My Redbull campaign was finally done" where there is a keyword that pains me to say but is true, "was".

My Redbull campaign is no longer done. Actually it is no longer even close to being done because I have to completely re-execute everything. After reading the comments on my work on how the style has been done 1000x and the line has been executed before, verbatim, I knew what was inevitable.

But I am not mad, sometimes you have to swallow the medicine now because it will make you better in the end. So now I am back to the sweatshop. But next time, it will be done...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. attaboy. keep up the good work. i look forward to seeing the revised versions
